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john milton fogg

Why Recruiting Begins
with Listening...

John Milton fogg

  • Author of best selling classic “The Greatest Networker in The World“.
  • You’ll learn why and how to listen, without an agenda, creates wealth.
  • You’ll also get John’s 16 page listening book!

John Milton Fogg is a writer, editor, educator, speaker, radio talk show host and mentor- coach. He’s the author of the Network Marketing classic, The Greatest Networker in the World, which has sold more than one million copies around the world. He’s been called ‘The Napoleon Hill of Network Marketing’ and he’s been involved in Direct Sales for more than 30 years.

Read More About John

John has spoken to 25,000 people in Moscow’s Olympic Stadium and to groups around the world in Australia, Canada, Costa Rica, Cyprus, Dubai, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Iran, Russia, Singapore, Thailand, Taiwan and throughout the United States.

John has written or edited more than 20 books includingThe Greatest Networkers in the World— Twenty-one ordinary people who became millionaires in Direct Selling and the true stories of how they did it. John co-founded Upline magazine. His latest book project, SPEAKING & LISTENING— You Don’t Listen & You Talk Too Much, will be published in 2017.

John was 69 years old in January of 2017. He has two adult children: Rachel 35 and Johnny 31. He lives with his violin and Zumba-teaching wife & partner Katyusha and their two girls, Eleonora Milena, age 15 and Anais Polina, age 11, and Mishka the Schnoodle where he rides the country roads on his classic Honda motorcycle just south of Charlottesville, Virginia USA.

Find out more about John at

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