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John Cini
- “Million Dollar Whizz Kid” pushing $2,000,000.00.
- Author of “Find Files Fast”, John shows how to use Google as an assistant.
- Never lose a lead or miss an appointment again.
- How he’s build over 7000 contacts in his phone from people who said “no” to the business and, how to recruit effectively and fast.
John Cini is an Army veteran, got a real estate license at age 20, former FINRA registered rep, systems manager for a Chrysler dealership, and programmer at the US Census Bureau. He’s worked full-time in direct sales since 1990, spending 17 years with Nu Skin Enterprises (publicly traded on the NYSE), where he was one of the first 400 people to earn $1 million with that company.
In 1998 his story was published in the book, “Your First Year in Network Marketing,” by Mark Yarnell. In 2009 he was one of the top 20 earners with DubLi, in 2013 he was #8 in startup revenue with North American Power, and in 2016, he built a downline of over 5000 people in 8 months, generating over $2M in revenue, and was one of 3 people to receive the company’s “President’s Award.”
John has been on the rep advisory board of 3 companies. In 2010 he wrote the book on how to organize your computer, “Computer Chaos Control,” which sold copies in 7 countries. He is active in his church, has a 9-year-old daughter, and plays basketball every Thursday night.
He considers it a real privilege to have worked in the trenches with Mark and Davene, and an honor to participate in this year’s virtual webcast!
Find out more about John at
Get John’s Book “Computer Chaos Control” Here
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